Clinical Staff

Nurse Practitioners

Diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses; Our nurse practitioners have undertaken specialist training to be able to assess and diagnose acute new problems. They are independent prescribers and can prescribe for acute problems. They are not able to print and issue prescriptions for repeat or long-term medication. The nurse practitioner can deal with the following types of common illnesses: Sore throat; Possible chest infections; Abdominal pain; Diarrhoea and Vomiting; Urine disorders/infections Earache; Eye infections; Skin problems Acute allergies; Limb pain – new; Cuts and burns; Sinusitis/headache; Emergency contraception.

a group of people around each other


Maxine Bunker

Kay Edwards 

Kate Blackwell


Kerry Moore


Practice Nurses

Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses.  The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions long-term conditions such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Hypertension and Contraception. Cervical smears and Childhood immunisations.


Claire Clark (Lead Nurse)

Michele Johnston

Emily Featherstone-Coulton  
Leanne Golding 

Stacey Hunter 



Health Care Assistants

ECG’s; dressings; leg ulcers; suture removal; ear syringing; lifestyle advice; annual health checks; well person checks; NHS Health Checks and height, weight and blood pressure checks for all controlled medications.

Sam Clow

Louisa Percival  Mandy Osborne
  Phoebe Wade   


Health Visitors

They provide advice and support for mothers and young children. Messages can be left at either surgery.

Community Midwife

Advice and support during pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care. Midwives are located at both sites and messages can be left at reception.

Clinical Pharmacist

Advises staff and patients on medication and prescribing issues.

Speech and Language Therapists

There is a speech and language therapist based at Rothwell Medical Centre. She deals with speech and language problems in infants and young children.  Patients must be referred to this service by one of the doctors.


Physiotherapy services are provided at Desborough Surgery. They can provide treatment for various conditions. Patients can self-refer or be referred by their doctor. Selfreferral forms are available from reception.

Phlebotomy (bloods)

We have a phlebotomy outreach service from Kettering General Hospital.


Podiatry (foot care) services are available at the Rothwell Medical Centre.

Changing Minds/IAPT

Offers help and support with emotional problems such as bereavement.  Self-referral can be made by calling 0300 9991616