Clinics We Offer

Contraceptive Service/Family Planning
A full range of contraceptive services is available (eg pill, cap, intra-uterine device, implants) by appointment at reception. We also provide advice on safer sex and abortion - all these are in strict confidence. Young people can also discuss teenage sexual health by appointment at the weekly family planning clinics held at Rothwell and Desborough.

Child Health Surveillance
These are held in both centres and are to ensure that the child is growing and developing normally. Our Health Visitors are available to give advice and support.

Phlebotomy Service
We have a phlebotomy outreach service from Kettering General Hospital for five mornings per week. Rothwell – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and Desborough on a Wednesday.
Blood tests with the phlebotomist must be booked in advance. We do not offer a walk in service.
Patients under the age of 16 will not been seen by an outreach phlebotomist and will need to be seen at Kettering General Hospital. Please ensure your requesting clinician gives you all the relevant paperwork before you leave your consultation.
Use this link for further Blood Test Information

Minor Operation
These are arranged by your own doctor and performed in the surgery.

Cervical Smears
When a smear is due, a letter will be sent to you. You will then need to call reception and book an appointment with the practice nurse. If you wish to know more about this procedure and why we consider it advisable, you can discuss this with either your doctor or the nurse.

Immunisation and Vaccination
Routine childhood immunisations are held on Thursday mornings at the Desborough Surgery, and on Wednesday mornings at the Rothwell Medical Centre.

Podiatry (Chiropody)
Some podiatry (foot care) services are available at the Rothwell Medical Centre, either through your own doctor or by self-referral.
For self-referral please ring 0330 555 6789 Mon - Fri 8am to 4pm or visit the NHFT website

Other Clinics
- Coronary heart disease prevention - by appointment with nurse
- Well person - by appointment with nurse
- Family planning - by appointment
- Health promotion - by appointment with nurse
- Leg ulcer - by appointment with nurse
- Respiratory - by appointment with nurse
- Screening/over 75 - by appointment with nurse
- Diabetes - by appointment with nurse
- Physiotherapy - by appointment with physiotherapist